About Alexander Leon Williamson!

Yeah, my name is lengthy. I have always wanted to try my hand at a novel. Strange how much work it has become, yet easy to do. I had an idea for a novel back in mid-November 2016 and started writing in December of that year. I have been told writing is for the select few that have an imagination and contacts to get the book published. I reject this idea. My plan is to write something to prove an idea. I wondered what would happen if a person just popped into existence and knew how to read and write, but had no moral character, how would they turn out, good or bad. I am writing the Walt series to answer this question and to just to please myself, share with a few friends and family and if they liked it, try to publish it. Sure, I might try to send the manuscript to some publishers to collect the common courtesy rejection letters, but I don’t think the publishers in these days are now the way to go with a novel.